We’ve been working with Carmarthenshire County Councils Youth Support Services and Participation and Children’s Rights Team to give our members and hopefully other young people in the future opportunities to be involved in the recruitment of staff for the Youth Support Services, especially those roles that work face to face with young people.

Youre hired! involving young people in staff interviews

We bring different skill to the interview process which differs to that of professionals, we look for qualities in a candidate that professionals may not look for, and therefore we can strengthen the interview process.

Amber Treharne, member from Pembray said that being involved in the interviews ‘was a great experience and insight into an interview process. It is absolutely fantastic that the council are encouraging the participation of young people in the process. As young people we can provide a different perspective of the interviewees qualities and how they interact with people of our age group. This has to be the way forward and I would love to see the County Council to give more opportunities for young people to get involved in interviews.”

Not only does having a Young Persons Interview Panel make sure that we have access to our Right to be involved in decisions that affects up but it can also help make sure the council is employing the right people to work with children and young people. A professionals interview panel does not always ask the questions that young people would like to know.

Sarah Powell, Senior Participation and Children’s Officer said that “Young people are good at thinking outside the box, and they know what they want and what they need from the people who work with them. Having a Young Person’s Interview panel is a great opportunity for a recruiting team and for the young people involved. Having the best quality candidate, due to involving young people in the interview process, can assist in improving outcomes for children and young people and the services that we are providing”.

There are a lot of benefits of having a Young Peron’s Interview Panel or having a young person be an equal member of a professional interview panel, having these opportunities to have a say makes us feel more empowered and demonstrates that professionals respect us and our opinions. It can also strengthen the relationship between professionals and young people, giving young people more confidence in professionals and services, as we feel listened to.