The National Children and Young People’s Participation Standards are a tool to help you measure the process of children and young people’s participation in the work that you do and how you can increase the participation of children and young people in decision-making in your organisation or service.
The Standards are also underpinned by the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015. The Act puts involvement of children and young people, adults and communities at the heart of improving well-being, as well as being one of the five ways of working.
National Participation Charter…
You can show your commitment to children and young people’s Participation by signing up to a Participation Charter from Young Wales. The charter is used by organisations and services to illustrate their commitment to the Participation Standards. It is a statement of intent that they are working in line with the National Participation Standards
The self-assessment can be used as a developmental tool to measure your current practice for the participation of children and young people in your organisation or service. By taking part in a self-assessment it can help you to identify good practice and gaps in the work that you do in providing opportunities for children and young people to participate meaningfully.
It can help you to…
- create an action plan on how you can increase the participation of children and young people in decision-making in your organisation or service
- Provide services which are more effective and meet the needs of young people
- Be more accountable to children and young people
- Provide evidence of the participation that is already happening in your organisation or service
- Plan for improvement where there are gaps
- Plan strategically
The National Kitemark is endorsed by Welsh Government. A certificate (valid for 4 years) is awarded to services who have demonstrated they are achieving against all seven National Standards.