Our project aims to raise awareness of domestic abuse. It will include information about this topic area, recent statistics, interviews with professionals, a support directory, and blogs. 

Following the Make Your Mark Consultation, we focused on domestic abuse as their priority issue for the past year. With the project’s name “NEVER Silence the Violence” decided on, our group began the research.

We held several meetings, both online and in person, to discuss approaches that they can take to try to bring more attention to this important topic. As part of our project, we attended training about domestic abuse, which included learning about the different types of abuse, challenging myths, and facts about the topic. We have also learnt how to keep ourselves safe in such situations and know where to go for support/guidance all factoring itself into our research and our ability to raise awareness of the matter.

Our members met with many professionals to ask for guidance and gain more information.  We met with Ellana Thomas, DA Project Coordinator and Catrin Rees, Healthy Schools Coordinator. We have also been in touch with the Violence Against Women, Domestic Abuse, and Sexual Violence Partnership Coordinator and Dyfed Powys Police to develop the ideas for this project.

We are so glad to hear that Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) is part of the new Curriculum in Wales and it is being introduced in schools this term. We strongly believe that this will equip children and young people with understanding and skills to lead healthy, happy and safe lives.

Find out how to get help if you or someone you know is a victim of domestic abuse:
★ Remember that you can talk to your Teacher, Youth Worker, Coach or an Adult you trust
Live Fear Free
Carmarthenshire Domestic Abuse Service
★ Live Fear Free Helpline – 0808 80 10 800
In an emergency, CALL THE POLICE on 999