A voice for young people in Carmarthenshire on environmental matters.
The Eco Action Team was set up in November 2019 with its main aim to act as a voice for young people in Carmarthenshire focusing on environmental issues.
We have been busy running competitions, meeting with professionals and developing new ideas. We meet every month to discuss, develop and plan future projects. We invite guests to our meetings to gain a better understanding of environmental issues and with their expertise, improve our work.
Our members have been involved in the Walk the Global Walk project and contributed to the Climate Action Manifesto, as a result of which the Climate Action Consultation Group was established to monitor the progress of the document. CYC members represented our group in those meetings either by chairing or taking part in the discussions.
With new members joining CYC, we are planning to develop our ideas further and to raise awareness on environmental issues affecting our county. Through our work we would like to highlight what has been done so far in Carmarthenshire to tackle climate change and promote young people’s voices on this important matter.
We believe that children and young people need to change so that we develop good habits that can continue into adulthood. We all need to get involved and should share the same aim to keep our environment litter free, sustainable, and eco-friendly for our future generations!