Youth Workers from Carmarthenshire Youth Support Services are setting up a new group for young people who have something to say about education and learning.
The group, will act as a Young Peoples Management Group with its main purpose being to work with managers and decision makers from Carmarthenshire County Councils Education and Childrens Services Department to represent the views of young people.
With support and training from Youth Workers, members of the Management Group will be able to have a say on education, the opportunities available to all learns in Carmarthenshire. We want to explore what can be done to help learners be happy, safe and fulfil their personal, social and learning potential.
Carmarthenshire’s Education and Children’s Services Department have been actively working towards putting Children and Young People at the centre of everything they do with a lot of their work being underpinned by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. They are strengthening their commitment to listening to the voice of Young People by developing this new group, who will give feedback, evaluate, and influence the work of the Department.
The Department have clear priorities focused around four key themes:
★ Ambitious, capable learners, ready to learn throughout their lives
★ Healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society
★ Enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work
★ Ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world
We hope to hold the first meeting in September 2022. The project we will have mixture of face-to-face and online meetings including a residential (staying overnight) stay to get to know each other, learn about the project, get training, have fun and get involved in team building activities.
There will be two meetings with decisions makers (managers who make decisions about Education in Carmarthenshire) which will take place during half term and one during School time. Click here to see a draft Programme of when we could be meeting up.
We will cover all costs (e.g food, overnight stay, meetings, activities etc all excluding transport) to run the project so you wont need to pay for anything that’s needed.
We are looking for young people aged 14, 15 and 16 years old (School Years 9,10 and 11) who attend school in Carmarthenshire and want to make a difference.
All members of the group will;
★ be able to represent the voice and opinions of young people to improve services
★ get support from Youth Workers during the project
★ gain new skills and experiences
★ get opportunities to meet and work alongside decisions makers
★ take part in fun, team building and residential activities
★ have your views listened to and will help influence the decisions being made on education and learning in Carmarthenshire.
★ have the chance to achieve a national volunteering certificate
★ get a gift voucher as a thank you for your time, hard work and commitment
There are two members of Carmarthenshire Youth Support Services Staff leading on this Project, they are Sarah and Heulwen

For more information or to get involved please contact Sarah, Senior Participation and Childrens Rights Officer on:
Email: SJPowell@carmarthenshire.gov.uk
Tel or Whatsapp: 07748 154 672
Messenger: www.facebook.com