Amber joined members of the UKYP in the House of Commons on Friday 8th November
Amber joined members of the UKYP in the House of Commons on Friday 8th November

Amber 16 from Burry Port, Carmarthenshire’s elected United Kingdom Youth Parliament Member for 2019/20 represented Carmarthenshire and Wales at the Annual House Of Commons Debate in London. Amber joined members of the UKYP in the House of Commons on Friday 8th November to debate and decide on the most important issue to campaign on for 2020, taken from the Make Your Mark 2019 Ballot, where over 4,100 young pepe from across the county used their vote.

The 2 Campaigns for 2019/2020 voted on by the UKYP Members at the House of Commons Debate in November were:
Put an end to knife crime – Devolved issue
• Protect the Environment – UK Issue

Amber said “It has been such a privilege to be a UKYP member for 2019-20 and it has been an experience I will cherish for the rest of my life. I have gained so many valuable skills such as public speaking, debating and team work that I’m sure will benefit me greatly as I progress throughout life. Being a UKYP member has allowed me to meet so many amazing young people from all cross the UK and I have built friendships that hopefully will last a long time. Attending the House of Commons was truly unforgettable, and I thoroughly enjoyed my time in London for the UKYP annual debate!”

Amber was amongst 24 members representing Wales at the event. Taking part in the debate gave Amber the opportunity to meet up with and work with other members of the UKYP aged 11-18 years old from across the country to make a difference for young people. Over the coming months Amber, with members of the Council will be working hard on the two main issues.