“The Voice of Young People in Carmarthenshire”

Carmarthenshire Youth Council (or CYC as we call it) was set up in September 2003 by young people for young people. We are a group of young people aged 11 – 21 years old from across Carmarthenshire who act as a voice for young people by represent the views and opinions of all young people in the county.

“by creating opportunities for young people to participate meaningfully in decision making
on issues that impact on their lives and to bring about positive change.”

We believe that
“young people have a right to be heard and their views and opinions should be treated as equal to adults.”

Carmarthenshire Youth Council is made up of 50 young people aged 11-21 years old representing 4 main areas:

EDUCATION – young people from Secondary and Special School Councils, Private Schools, Students at Coleg Sir Gar and University of Wales Trinity St David. (18 positions)

UNIVERSAL – any young people 11- 25 years of age living, studying or working in Carmarthenshire (14 positions)

SPECIAL INTEREST – any young people who; have experience of homelessness or the Youth Offenders system; are disabled, LGBTQ+, B.E.M, Gypsy travellers, NEET. L.A.C or Care leavers; or is a Young carer, son or daughter of foster carer, a Child In Need, is a young refugee, is a young migrant, is first language Welsh, is a Young farmer or living rurally.

WELSH YOUTH PARLIAMENT – Following elections organised by the National Assembly for Wales the three young people representing the constitution areas in Carmarthenshire will have the opportunity to be co-opted on to the Youth Council to ensure communication and effective working to give Carmarthenshire’s young people a voice nationally.


Opportunities for Youth Council Members to be elected by other members to become members of the CYC Committee Board who make decisions on the day to day running of the Youth Council.

Elected Youth Council Members can stand for election to champion Carmarthenshire County Council Executive Board Portfolio areas and work closely with the County Council and be involved in the decision making process.

An elected member of CYC to represent Carmarthenshire at the UK Youth Parliament

Members of CYC to champion Safeguarding and represent Carmarthenshire at Regional CADW Board.

Opportunity for any CYC members (and non CYC Members) to be involved in National project work and campaigns run by both organisations.

Our Meetings:
We hold our Monthly Meetings every last Monday of the month (or as close as we can)

between 5.30 – 8.30pm in Carmarthen.
Get in touch if you are interested in joining us!